Sustainability from Palcut: FSC-certified anti-slip paper
Anti-slip sheets from Palcut are now certified according to the FSC standard – a guarantee for responsible use of the world's forest resources. This way, the manufacturer meets requirements from major customers within the industrial and the retail sector.

Palcut, specialist in palletization solutions, announces FSC® Recycled-certified interlayer sheets for palletisation systems. The introduction of the sustainable sheets is made possible thanks to the company’s certification with the FSC Recycled 100% label, license number FSC C147797.
This means that in the future, Palcut will only use sustainable, FSC-certified paper for its Antim65®and Testliner anti-slip sheets. The sheets are made of paper which is collected and recycled, so the company’s customers can help protecting the world’s forests. The certification guarantees that only recycled paper has been used and that the production process has been certified by an independent third-party.
The anti-slip paper is used as an interlayer sheet to reduce transport damage to products, which are packed on pallets.
With the FSC Recycled certification, Palcut is meeting the requirements of its customers who are calling for sustainable solutions for the sake of the climate and our common resources.
“We have many large customers in the food and furniture industries who supply major chain stores. They demand sustainability, especially in packaging”, says Lars Østergaard Jonasen, product manager at Palcut A/S. He continues:
“We now support a sustainable paper cycle and a reduction of our environmental impact while meeting our customers’ high demands for transport safety and efficient palletization.”
The green agenda is gaining ground
Sustainability is taking up much of the public and the private agendas, where new initiatives are continually being launched and new demands are introduced in the name of the environment and the climate. But how do we ensure that the visions and all of the initiatives get off the ground and are translated into concrete action? How do ideas turn into action and proven results?
“We are proud that we have achieved the FSC Recycled certification. It is a guarantee that we master the process and only use recycled paper fibres, which contribute to more sustainable forestry,” says Lars Østergaard Jonasen.
At Palcut, this has meant that all departments, from purchasing and production to sales, have been involved in the process, and new procedures have been introduced so that the company at all times can document that the process is under control and that only FSC certified paper is used.
“We have great expectations for our certified production and are pleased that we can meet the customers’ demands for an environmentally sound production and a greener bottom line. Things are moving in this direction on all fronts, and now we have our certification in place and our documents in order,” concludes Lars Østergaard Jonasen, product manager at Palcut A/S.
Read more about FSC and our certification here